All We Want for Christmas is… Cloud Streaming

All We Want for Christmas is ... Cloud Streaming

The holidays are approaching, and it has been a few years since the gaming company, Xbox, has released a new variation or generation of its console. So, you know what that means: buy your child the new Xbox Series X or S this Christmas! Except this time, the console isn’t only significantly better than the previous generation, it is also introducing the future of gaming: Cloud streaming.

Xbox is reinventing how people access and play video games with their Project xCloud. They want to enter the mobile gaming industry without producing hardware and remodeling the Xbox to play like the Nintendo Switch. Instead, their plan is making your personal smartphone or tablet a portable console by streaming video games directly to your screen.

Mobile gaming is a huge market without any AAA games (large budgeted and marketed games usually released on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and/or Switch). People want to play games on their phones, and they settle for simple and entertaining games that only require two actions, one for each thumb. The high demand for high quality mobile games was confirmed with the incredible success of the Nintendo Switch for all demographics. The Nintendo Switch is a portable console that can switch from mobile to displaying directly to your television.

Traditionally, Nintendo consoles and games were most appealing to a younger audience or nostalgic adults who played those games as children. This trend was confirmed with lackluster sales of M17+ rated games (video games designed and marketed for adults). However, a couple of years after the Switch’s release, the demographic of gamers has increased in range, and now almost every M17+ AAA video game is being released or rebooted onto the Switch.

Xbox recognized this trend and decided to up the ante of portable and mobile gaming with streaming. The ability to stream your video games is huge for two reasons: you can play whenever, wherever (given you have internet access), and you do not need to download the games to access them. The conveniency factor means that you can play while walking or while on the bus, subway, or passenger seat, as long as you have a controller designed for mobile gaming.

The biggest problem most gamers worry about is the incredible amount of storage space a game may occupy. Most phones do not hold more than 512GB of space, and many video games are surpassing over 100GB of space by themselves. That means you can have a smartphone with only 16GB of space and still experience the xCloud Game Pass at its full capacity without worrying about downloading times and space through cloud gaming.

Xbox has acknowledged the potential of streaming video games, and they are currently exploring the ability to stream onto your PC. Next would be the ability to stream onto your console. Ultimately, Xbox may alter the entire video game industry with a purely streaming platform like Netflix where you don’t have to worry about hard drive space or download speeds. You can start a game whenever, wherever, however, and without any stress.


Picture of Leo Herrera

Leo Herrera

Leo Hererra is a graduate student of EMDD. He currently works as a graduate assistant for the program.

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My Go-To Recommended Tool for Academic Writing

My Go-To Recommended Tool for Academic Writing

While taking multiple classes during my Undergraduate Degree that require great writing skills, I noticed that most students had trouble with proofreading and fixing their grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation. Even if some of those students tried to, reviewing and editing a document that is thousands of words long can be difficult and there is always something that may be missed. The same thing would happen to me. Most of the time I would proofread, but I would always miss a few errors that would end up lowering my grade significantly. 

All that changed when I discovered Grammarly.

Grammarly is an application/browser extension that finds those mistakes for you and suggests the best fixes. That includes any text that you write while you are on a browser and even text that you write in applications like Microsoft Word, Slack, and many more. Because of Grammarly, I do not have to worry about spending my time reading every single sentence over and over again to find the small mistakes that I made. Not all suggestions are necessary. When that happens you can just click ignore or add to Grammarly’s dictionary so that the application will not bother you again about it in the future.

Grammarly is pretty flexible since it lets you choose which websites you want and how you want it to act on each website. Some of the choices are checking for writing suggestions, showing definitions and synonyms via double click, correcting spelling automatically, and many more. 

Furthermore, if you have Grammarly enabled, it only takes up a small space on your screen. There is one small circular green button in the bottom right of the browser or application which you can click for a panel to open up. That panel shows you the more detailed explanations of your potential errors. If you do not like clicking that button there is no problem. Additionally, every mistake is marked with a red line which you can click on and select if you want to change the word or avoid the suggestion.

Grammarly is also supported on mobile phones and works as an extension of your keyboard.

There are a few applications that are not supported by Grammarly yet, but there is a solution for that as well. You can open a new document at Grammarly and copy/paste your text there which will give you all the feedback that you would get in a supported application or browser.

The best part is that it is completely free. There are more advanced versions for writers or businesses but as a college student, the free version of Grammarly covered all of my needs.

If you are writing regularly and you find yourself making errors, you need to start using Grammarly.

Picture of Angelos Mandilaris

Angelos Mandilaris

Angelos is a first-year graduate student of the Center for Information and Communication Sciences program at Ball State University. He is an EMDD graduate assistant and plays for the BSU Men's Volleyball team.

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Native Bound-Unbound

Native Bound Unbound (NBU) a nonprofit organization based in New Mexico is dedicated to uncovering and preserving the untold stories of Indigenous peoples across the

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Student Story
Interview with Ian Gonzales

Recently, Emerging Media Design and Development Graduate Student Ian Gonzales’s research paper: Overlapping Expectations: Studying the Genre Relationship of Ecocritical Genres was accepted by the

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Stay Connected Through Video Games

“This is an industry that’s about community. Video games are bringing people together." — Stanley Pierre-Louis, chief executive of the Entertainment Software Assn.

Stay Connected Through Video Games

Having lived in three different countries during the last seven years and four different cities, staying in touch with my friends has been a challenge. Also, as I am not the best when it comes to texting and calling, there has been only one thing that helps me stay in touch with my friends. Video Games.

Yes, I know. To think that video games, which require me to stay “locked” in my room, help me socialize sounds quite absurd. My parents, like almost every other parent I believe, used to tell me over and over again to turn off my console or computer and get out and socialize. Maybe ten years ago, they were right, but nowadays, most games are played online where you have the option to compete against your friends or team up with them and take over the virtual world of your choice.

How else would Angelos that lives in Indiana manage to take part in an activity with Aleksa from Belgrade, Serbia, with Kostas from Athens, Greece, with Krzystof from London, England, with Greg from North Carolina, and Dimitris from Arizona?

Video games are the only solution I have found. Even if I was more consistent with texting and calling, it would not be enough to keep a relationship as strong as one where the people can participate in an activity together.

There have been multiple times where many different things have been happening in my life and even though I sometimes text with my friends, I do not feel like I want to share it with them. While playing video games though, I have noticed that I am much more likely to share any personal news or thoughts, or ask them for help about something important.

After the COVID-19 breakout in March, I appreciated them even more. I was one of the few people that stayed in my college through quarantine.  Almost all of my friends went back home, and since I was supposed to stay indoors, I barely had any face-to-face interaction with anybody. So, once more, video games helped me solve the problem that the quarantine had created.

Now, am I telling you to stop going outdoors and play video games all the time? Absolutely not. There is no better way of socializing than going out of the house to meet with friends but when the situation does not allow that, video games may be the best option.

Picture of Angelos Mandilaris

Angelos Mandilaris

Angelos is a first-year graduate student of the Center for Information and Communication Sciences program at Ball State University. He is an EMDD graduate assistant and plays for the BSU Men's Volleyball team.

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Native Bound-Unbound

Native Bound Unbound (NBU) a nonprofit organization based in New Mexico is dedicated to uncovering and preserving the untold stories of Indigenous peoples across the

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Student Story
Interview with Ian Gonzales

Recently, Emerging Media Design and Development Graduate Student Ian Gonzales’s research paper: Overlapping Expectations: Studying the Genre Relationship of Ecocritical Genres was accepted by the

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