Pitch Night 2022
“I attended Ball State, which is the Harvard of Muncie”
David Letterman
Each Spring, EMDD students and faculty meet to discuss possible Year 2 projects for EMDD 660/670. At our most recent pitch night on April 14, Dr. Kevin Moloney, Dr. Jennifer Palilonis, and EMDD students Spencer Ozbun, Alec Piggott, and Meredith Erwin pitched project ideas, including: The Future of Public Media, The Remnant Trust, The David Letterman Learning Experience, Kid Architect, and Personal Climate Action.
Year 2 EMDD projects must engage a project partner external to EMDD (which could be a company, non-profit organization or other academic unit on campus), define a clear problem or opportunity space, have a scope large enough to justify nine to 12 credit hours of work for participating students, include both an applied research component (3-6 credit hours), and a creative project development component (6 credit hours).
The following projects have been chosen as Year 2 projects:
The David Letterman Learning Experience project team aims to leverage the rich storytelling potential of items in the Letterman Collection to explore intersections between storytelling, technology, and art through interactive storytelling, augmented and virtual reality, and more.
The Future of Public Media project team was created to help with the challenges faced in public media with the goal to develop innovative approaches to storytelling and audience engagement, through design thinking, transmedia storytelling, and user-centered design and development.
The Remnant Trust project team aims to bridge the gap between in-person teaching moments and the artifacts of The Remnant Trust using digital or other physical technologies.
The Kid Architect project team was designed to help the Vance family in continuing the growth of the Kid Architect brand through user-center transmedia storytelling and marketing.
Following Pitch Night, students responded to a survey and voted for the project that they were most interested in working on. Stay tuned in to social media in the coming weeks to meet our project teams!

Alexis Miller
Alexis Miller is a first year graduate student with EMDD and a graduate assistant for the School of Journalism and Strategic Communication and EMDD.