Student Opportunities

A graduate assistantship is paid employment for graduate students at Ball State University. Graduate assistants work 20 hours per week to receive tuition reimbursement and a bi-weekly stipend.
BSU Graduate Assistantships
You know that your future job market is competitive, and if you're going to edge out that competition, you'd better show up with the golden ticket: relevant experience. As a graduate assistant, you get a chance to step out of the student role into the professional world, earning a paycheck while you're also gaining job-related experience and expanding your professional network.
SJSC Graduate Assistantships
Need help paying for your graduate work in Emerging Media Design and Development? The School of Journalism and Strategic Communication is committed to providing practical, hands-on opportunities through graduate assistantships.
GA Requirements
Being a graduate assistant (GA) at Ball State is a great way to fund your education and has many advantages. Most importantly, graduate assistantships offer you the opportunity to gain meaningful professional experience while pursuing your passion.